Friday, March 28

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Mallorca Dirty Numbers FONT Download

Mallorca Dirty Numbers font preview Previous: Akkordeon Slab Font Next: ALS Lamon Font
Mallorca Dirty Numbers downloadDesigner: Manuel Viergutz
Publisher: TypoGraphicDesign
The type­face "Mallorca Dirty Numbers Vol 1" is desi­gned for the Typo Gra­phic Design font foundry in 2017 by Manuel Vier­gutz. The playful dis­play font is designed on holiday photos of different numbers (house numbers, graffitis, handwritten menu cards …) from Mallorca. An alphabet built with numbers.

524 gly­phs with A–Z, a–z, 0–9 and 99+ deco­ra­tive extras like ornaments, arrows, ding­bats, emojis, sym­bols, geo­ma­tric shapes, catch­words, deco­ra­tive liga­tures (type the word "LOVE" for ❤ or "SMILE" for ☺as OpenType-Feature dlig ) and of course many many numbers (20+ stylistic sets). For use in logos, maga­zi­nes, pos­ters, adver­ti­se­ment plus as web­font for deco­ra­tive head­lines. The font works best for dis­play size.

123 abc arrows catchwords decorative demo design digit dingbats dirty display emojis extras features figure free graphic headline house icon ligatures love mallorca numbers opentype ornaments poster raw rough sea sets shapes smile stylistic sun symbols typo typo graphic design viergutz vol water
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