Wednesday, March 26

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InfoBits FONT Download

InfoBits font preview Previous: Amico Font Next: Scheme Font
InfoBits downloadDesigner: Ethan Paul Dunham
Publisher: Fonthead Design
InfoBits is a two-font system of dingbats with a strong technology theme. The complete family has 188 icons.

InfoBits Font Preview
alert apple arrow battery bell bomb bug button camera cancel cell cell phone cellphone chat check mark clouds computer cube dingbats disc disk dslr ecommerce email film folders garbage gear gift globe hands headphones heart home hour glass house iconography icons ideas info internet ipod laptop leaf light bulb lock magnifying glass mail mouse mp3 player mug non-alphabetic notepad paperclip pencil phone photo picture pointers power presents printer progress rain rocket binoculars scissors shield shopping cart skull slr snowflake speaker sun symbol symbols technology test trash truck tshirt ui usb weather web graphics web icons windows write
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