Saturday, March 29

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Hand Stamp Gothic Rough FONT Download

Hand Stamp Gothic Rough font preview Previous: Kopius Font Next: Sillyheads Font
Hand Stamp Gothic Rough downloadDesigner: Manuel Viergutz
Publisher: TypoGraphicDesign
Hand Stamp Gothic Rough” is based on real vintage rubber stamp letters from Germany. A classic american gothic face mixed with a modern condensed sans serif type. Rough & dirty with a authen­tic hand stamped look for a warm analogue vintage charm.

It star­ted ana­lo­gous with only a few rubber stamps and finally it was digi­tal 776 gly­phs. With 4 × A–Z, 4 × 0–9, 4 × a–z and many other alternative glyphs like @. Plus modern OpenType Features like contextual alternates (automatic generated loop for letter variation). The different variations from the dynamic pressure by hand inten­ded to show the hand-made nature and crea­tes a live­li­ness in the display font.

The font has 80 decorative extras in the form of symbols & dingbats like arrows, hearts, smileys, stars, further numbers, lines & shapes. A range of figure set options like oldstyle figures, lining figures, superiors & inferiors.

Additionally stan­dard liga­tures, deco­ra­tive liga­tures (type the word “show” for ☛ and “love” for ❤ … ), Ver­sal Eszett (German Capital Sharp S) and many emojis & symbols.

■ Font Name: Hand Stamp Gothic Rough ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar & Bold ■ Font Cate­gory: Dis­play for head­line size ■ Font For­mat .otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) ■ Glyph Set: 776 glyphs ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: Basic Latin/English let­ters, Cen­tral Europe, West European diacritics, Turkish, Bal­tic, Roma­nian ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, sty­listic sets, automatic con­text­ual alter­nates via Open­Type Fea­ture (4× different versions of A–Z & 0–9 + a–z), Euro, kerning pairs, stan­dard & deco­ra­tive liga­tures, Ver­sal Eszett (German Capital Sharp S), extras like Dingbats & Symbols, arrows, hearts, emojis/smileys, stars, further numbers, lines & shapes. ■ Design Date: 2016 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Vier­gutz

Hand Stamp Gothic Rough Font Preview
accents advertising alternates american ancient antique arrows branding capital sharp s case-sensitive casual condensed contextual decorative diacritics dingbats dirty discretionary display distressed diy editorial emojis eroded euro extras features german capital sharp s gothic grotesque grunge hand handmade headline heart icons irregular kerning legible letterpress
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