Wednesday, March 26

A Curated Gallery of Beautiful Fonts for Creative Designers

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Giraffenhals FONT Download

Giraffenhals font preview Previous: Elegant Hand Script Font Next: Curly Lava Bubble Font
Giraffenhals downloadDesigner: Manuel Viergutz
Publisher: TypoGraphicDesign
 The kiddy and rough cha­rac­ter and the huge capital height with the tiny x-height (plus the cute giraffe character dingbats), gives the type­face a high reco­gni­tion value and uniqueness.

The warm, child-like, bold and striking handmade font „Giraf­fen­hals“ would look good at logos, dis­play size for poster, flyer, comics and gra­phic novel let­te­ring, head­lines in maga­zi­nes or web­sites, packa­ging, music covers or webbanner etc.

 Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Hand­writ­ten Font „Giraf­fen­hals“ OpenType Font with & 248 gly­phs & 4 styles (regu­lar, bold, con­den­sed, exten­ded). Alter­na­tive let­ters, characters/dingbats/symbols/pictos and liga­tures (with accents & €)

Giraffenhals Font Preview
dirty display kiddy ad advertising alternates alternative animal bold book cartoon chalk characters child-like classic clothing comic compressed concept condensed cool creative crisp cute decorative destroy dingbats distorted diy eroded fancy fashionable flyer food fresh friendly giraffe groove groovy grunge grungy hand handmade hands-on handwriting handwritten headline health high illustration irregular kids layer legible ligatures logo love magazine modern music newspaper packaging party poster product raw retro rouge rough rude ruff rugged sans serif schmuck scribble script sketch soft stylistic symbols textile trash unique urban vintage warm warmly webfont zier
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