Saturday, February 22

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DynaGrotesk FONT Download

DynaGrotesk downloadDesigner: František Štorm
Publisher: Storm
Has altogether 60 designs, because it was originally produced as a Multiple Master typeface. The entire big family is grouped into eighteen independent, smaller four-design families, of which the user may choose, for example, only two or three which suit him as regards colour and width. The somewhat confusing use of abbreviations to designate the individual designs is, nevertheless, simpler than giving them numbers or full names. The abbreviations denoting weights are as follows: L - Light, R - Regular, D - Demi; and those denoting widths are: XC - Extra Condensed, C - Condensed, M - Semi Condensed, E - Extended, XE - Extra Extended.

Sans-serif type faces, except for good old Gill, are not provided with genuine italics; instead of italics there are electronically slanted designs. In all italics of the DynaGrotesk family, however, the design of lower-case letters markedly differs from that of upright lower-case letters.

The warm character of DynaGrotesk derives from early sans-serif type faces, those which appeared before Helvetica. Ever since Helvetica was created until the present day, only cold sans-serif alphabets have been drawn which exclude use in longer texts. The x-height is not too large - it is identical with that of the Roman type face Jannon Text. The basic design (designated with R) is gradually becoming a classic body type. The complete installation of all designs of DynaGrotesk is the professional choice of the designer of the most demanding magazine.

DynaGrotesk Font Preview
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