Wednesday, March 26

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ClickBits FONT Download

ClickBits downloadDesigner: Ethan Paul Dunham
Publisher: Fonthead Design
ClickBits is a comprehensive set of web-related icons for online and print applications.

The ClickBits system is made up of 792 icons and arrows in 11 fonts.

Whether you need a web 2.0 starburst, icons for your blog, or graphics for your e-commerce application, ClickBits will have what you need.

ClickBits Font Preview
speech balloons alarm clock icons pointers smilies sprocket telephone windows apple arrow bag bell blog book bullet bullets calendar camera check mark clock computer cube disc disk document dslr earth email fire flag folder garbage globe hands heart home house idea ipod key light bulb lock low-res mail microphone money non-alphabetic notepad notes paper clip people picture power printer scissors shopping cart skull slr starbursts stars sun symbol symbols tools trash tshirt ui users web graphics web icons musical notes
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